蝶 : (chō) meaning butterfly 

⻑ : (chō) meaning leader; 成⻑ Sei (chō) meaning growing up 

超 : (chō) meaning super 

頂 : (chō) meaning the top 

朝 : (chō) meaning morning and evening; all the time 

If CHŌ were a person, she would be confident, brave, vulnerable and charming. 

The transition to Womanhood is something CHŌ encourages every young Woman to value & celebrate. We transform into something both familiar & new all at once, and it is okay that many of us get lost as we explore this new part of ourselves — how lovely it is to become something greater than we once were. 

CHŌ means to dance through the journey to finding yourself. To reminisce on nostalgic summer mornings where you felt safely wrapped in warm sunlight. To realize that there is so much inside of you to unravel, to pursue, (and) to experience. To gently burst with gratitude for the Woman you are becoming. To build confidence, vulnerability, courage and charm — things we all deserve to feel <3 

& All that we ask? Be the Woman you promised yourself you’d be when you were a little girl.