CHŌ | ちょう | 初

a curated space that celebrates Womanhood;
and supports independent businesses.


  • Support global artists

    When you shop with us, you will be helping support artists & small business owners around the world. Their beautiful work deserves to be shared for all it’s worth & we hope you will join us in appreciation of their talents.

  • Shop mindfully

    We believe everything you choose to buy is a representation of who you are & what you support. Every purchase is worth considering. We encourage a mindful approach to shopping. Shop carefully, take your time, appreciate the details & know the story behind where your items are coming from.

  • Celebrate womanhood

    Our heart & soul is to empower women to be everything they dream to be. We want to be a safe place for women to feel at home & appreciated. We hope every woman who encounters CHŌ feels free to be themselves & confident in who they are becoming.


Ivory curtains and lined pages flutter in sync, She writes to the birds outside Her tiny window & wishes to be immersed in gentle freedom. How lovely it would be to sing love songs to the people below her, telling of strength and peace. She longs only to have a free-spirit and flow


Breezeways: the perfect place for my summer sequence, my bike and basket giving me the means to escape. Today I break free from what is expected and open myself up to just — be. Morning and evening float by with the clouds, butterflies kiss my cheek, how could I ever leave this place? My shadow walks with me, reminding me of who I once was & mesmerizing me into a dream; for this is a new season, full of possibility in which I must wait with patience to see.